iFLY Indoor Skydiving

Great, now we can start the booking

Select an iFly Location

Please choose your preferred location

Choose your experience

Which flight experience(s) would you like?

  • Features full briefing and instruction
  • 2 sensational flights (same freefall time as 3 REAL skydives)
  • Personalised Flight Certificate

  • Features full briefing and instruction
  • 10 flights to share between up to 5 family members
  • Personalised Flight Certificate per person

Clubcard Boost Token(s)

Now it's time to enter the unique code(s) on your Boost Token(s)

Each Token represents £15. You can use as many as you like below by hitting 'enter' after each one.

Your details

We just need a few details from you

Used for booking confirmation and voucher delivery.

In case we need to contact you the day of your flight.

Yes, I am happy for iFly to send my confirmation by email

House name/number, street name


Have you been to iFly before? Login below to retrieve your details.

Confirm we're all good to go

Summary Details


Which payment method would you like for the outstanding balance?

Remove this token you have entered. Are you sure?